Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome to the Blog

This blog has been a long time coming. It is finally up and running, but it will still take sometime before it is up to full capacity. I still need to figure all of this out, but luckily it seems pretty user friendly. Expect updates soon of some bi news, and other links and such. Also for now we will use the word bisexual (or bi) but we are really talking about anyone who is to some level attracted/able to love/etc with persons of different genders/sexes/gender expression/ or people who don’t fit into the binary of gender. So this covers a lot of people, and a lot of different identities, so for our ease we will continue to use Bi since that is one of the better understood terms (not that that is saying very much). If anyone has a big issue with this or has a better suggestion, feel free to let me know.

For now this is all the time I have.