Monday, July 6, 2009

Sailor Murdered-Possible Hate Crime

Hope everyone is having a good summer, and I apologize for the long absence from the blog. I admit it was a time-issue and not that there wasn't bisexual news going on!

There is a story that I was watching with some interest that was beginning to make headlines last week. A sailor in the US Navy was gunned down while he was on duty. On the surface this seems to have nothing to do with us (unless you realize that besides PTSD it seems military people only kill each other over sexual orientation), but some people are beginning to believe Seaman August Provost was killed because of either his sexual orientation or because he was black. Chief among those that suspect it was one of these two facts is his family. His aunt said he identified as bisexual. Right now the military is not looking at it as a hate crime, but only time will tell.

If this brutal murder is connected to Provost's bisexuality it will most likely open a whole can of worms; especially as there are talks about repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The military could use it to show that homosexuality disrupts things, and causes fighting. However, proponents of lifting the ban can say that Provost had no protection under the existing law. He can't really complain or report anything to a superior (if he was being harassed before his murder) without outing himself, or the making the superior ask.

Read more about the case here.

Also feel free to discuss your thoughts on Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

1 comment:

Britches said...

Thoughts on don't ask don't tell: it sucks.

... Seriously though, I am on the side of at least if the act wasn't in place he could have reported any threats to his superiors without risking being kicked out. This is just ridiculous and so wrong.

Also, glad to see the blog back in action at least a little. :)